Sunday, December 23, 2012

Essence of Self

            I am a contradiction. I have made choices that contradict previous feelings. I am smart. I have made a conscious effort to discover how smart I am. I am open-minded; I choose to see options. I am argumentative as I am fully aware every story has at least two sides. I am giving of myself to my children. I have chosen not to let them feel unloved as I have felt. I am not selfish. I give myself and my time freely to those in need of it. I am a creative thinker for the world is the canvas I paint on.
            I am a mother, a lover, and a friend. I chose to become a mother; for as an American it’s my right to kill a fetus. I could have chosen to become a nun but I felt the decision to become a lover of man more enticing.  Friends are very selective choices I make, but know if I make the choice to be your friend I’m there forever by your side. I am naïve; even after being lied to I choose to believe those who have lied.
            I am a dreamer; with the right amount of focus and will power there is nothing that can’t be achieved. I am a writer for I choose to play with words. I enjoy painting pictures with my words. I am a creator. I choose to make the moments to sit down with material and create. My creations know no boundaries and usually become gifts from the heart.
            I am a dancer. When the music plays, I choose to close my eyes and let the music take over my body and pull it in the direction of the music. I am alive because I choose to fight and not give up when life explodes in my face. I am single because I have chosen to conquer this situation on my own terms. Woman, daughter, sister are a few parts of me that I did not choose; yet I am fully satisfied to take on these roles. I am ready for what tomorrow brings.

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